Imagepin with Slick slideshow

A module for pinning widgets on images

Quick start

  • Install this module. Requires JQuery UI Droppable.
  • Go to the "Manage display" section of your content type and choose the view mode where you'd like the pins to be displayed.
  • This module gives you the option for enabling users to pin widgets for the Image and Responsive image formatter. Enable it as you like.
  • Choose a proper image style for dragging the pins around and optionally set a breakpoint for mobile and desktop resolutions.
  • Editors now get a link on image fields for pinning widgets on each uploaded image.
  • Create your widgets, drag their pins on the image, and save the positions.
  • View your content.


  • Define your own and specific widgets as Drupal plugins.
  • You can adjust the frontend behavior to your specific needs with further Javascript extensions. Take a look at the Slick extension to see how you can create your own.


When Slick is installed (, the Imagepin module automatically displays your widgets as a swipable carousel.

Do not use 2.0.x

Do not use 2.0.x branch. This one is not an official one and will not be continued any further. Stick to 8.x-1.0 instead.

Supporting organizations: 
sponsoring development time

Project information
