imagefield_import 6.x-1.10

Bug fixes

#801566 by David Stosik: Improved out of the box default values.
#800852 by juanjo_dv: Added Spanish translation and translation template.

imagefield_import 6.x-1.7

New features
Bug fixes

#658730: Add option to skip the import form Thanks David Lesieur for the patch (which this is based on).
Removed a call to file_check_location() per David's patch.
Cleaned up settings page.
Updated documentation.
Added possibility of ignoring files during import.
Improved error reporting.
Improved support for recursive import.

imagefield_import 5.x-1.3

Bug fixes

probably an ID10T error prevented a release on the project page...

imagefield_import 5.x-1.2-beta

New features
Bug fixes

Fixing Incorrect permission name used
Adding Comments Functionality

imagefield_import 5.x-1.1-beta

New features

Adds Taxonomy Functionality (all of the images in the import will have the tems selected during the import process.)

imagefield_import 5.x-1.x-dev

imagefield_import.module will allow users with the proper role to be able to import a large number of images into a CCK content type that contains an imagefield.

The user can configure the node type and target imagefield that the images will be imported
into using the settings form at admin/settings/imagefield_import

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