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iDEAL for Commerce and API in one package!

The iDEAL V3 advanced package has two modules:

  • The ideal_advanced API module
  • The ideal_advanced_commerce payment method implementation

The combination of both modules will give your customers the possibility to pay their orders via the iDEAL payment solution.
The ideal advanced module is a base API which can be extended for other purposes.
The ideal advanced commerce module extends the ideal advanced API and implements the commerce payment method.


  • Multiple configurations. When a sub id is used for a different domain, multiple payment methods can be created with different configurations.
  • Test page. The test page gives you the ability to test the connection, without going through the whole checkout process. It can also be used to do the test payments which are needed to validate the new ideal account.
  • Easily add an ideal icon within the admin interface.
  • Sort and filter through the ideal transaction with the power of views and VBO.


The following modules, libraries and extensions are needed:



  • iDEAL connector library 3.3.1 (download from the issuer iDEAL environment or github)

PHP extensions


Cron needs to run for a minimum of once per day. Is it recommended to run cron more often. For example once per hour.
Use the Elysia cron module for best performance of your drupal site.

Upgrading to 1.1

When upgrading to ideal_advanced 1.1, the update.php needs to be run. It is also recommended to clear the site cache after the upgrade/installation.

Project information

  • Module categories: E-commerce
  • Created by mvdve on , updated
  • shieldStable releases for this project are covered by the security advisory policy.
    Look for the shield icon below.
