htmlpurifier 8.x-1.0

Drupal 10 support

Contributors (0)


Issues: 1 issues resolved.

Changes since 8.x-1.0-rc2:


  • #3287921: Automated Drupal 10 compatibility fixes

htmlpurifier 8.x-1.0-rc1

New features

This is the first working version of the Drupal 8 port for htmlpurifier. In this new Drupal 8 version, instead of retrieving the HTML Purifier library basic and avanced forms to render them in the filter settings form, there is a textarea to set the configuration in YAML format.

htmlpurifier 7.x-1.0-rc2

Bug fixes

Issue #1821186 by heddn: Fixed filters empty text.
Issue #1789934 by giorgio79: Fixed 'Display help text" is enabled, the help text is still missing from the filter tips.

htmlpurifier 7.x-1.0-rc1

New features

Issue #993274 by catch: Removed double caching logic.
Issue #1427370 by jcisio: Fixed unnecessary variable_set in version check
Issue #804240: 7.x port.
Fixed #993276; variable_set() called unconditionally in _htmlpurifier_load(), patch contributed by catch

htmlpurifier 5.x-1.5

New features

Added support for safe object and embed on prompting of yhager.

htmlpurifier 6.x-2.1

Bug fixes

Miscellaneous bugfixes: Ukranian translations, dashboard is renamed to something a little more user friendly, make installation process nicer by checking if the library folder is filled, removed unnecessary upgrade checks.

htmlpurifier 6.x-2.0

New features

Made the module compatible with HTML Purifier 4.0.0, check out the HTML Purifier news page for new features in this version.

htmlpurifier 6.x-1.0

New features

This is the first release of the HTML Purifier module compatible with Drupal 6.x! HTML Purifier 3.1.0 is required with this release.

htmlpurifier 5.x-1.3

Bug fixes

Note for PHP4 users: HTML Purifier has officially dropped support for PHP4 entirely, so we no longer support this module on PHP4 either.

(This is a bugfix release for 5.x-1.2, fixing a fatal error on the configure page with early versions of HTML Purifier. Otherwise, it is identical to 5.x-1.2)

Barring any major bugs or security problems, this is the last release for Drupal 5.x. There were some complaints about not being able to do essentials such as restrict allowed tags, and the whatnot, so I bolted on, using Drupal's forms API, some extra configuration options for you all to fiddle around with. Namely:

  • Allowed HTML elements and attributes
  • Forbidden HTML elements and attributes (requires HTML Purifier 3.1.0rc1 or later!)
  • Autoparagraphing and linkification (enabled by default)

Also, those of you who didn't follow my advice and uninstall/reinstall HTML Purifier when we released 5.x-1.1 will be happy to know that the installer will now take care of that automatically (untested for PostgreSQL, though, although it should work.) Also, there's a minor bugfix with regards to the YouTube filter.

htmlpurifier 5.x-1.2

New features

Ok, so we lied... this is truly the final release for Drupal 5.x. There were some complaints about not being able to do essentials such as restrict allowed tags, and the whatnot, so I bolted on, using Drupal's forms API, some extra configuration options for you all to fiddle around with. Namely:

htmlpurifier 5.x-1.1

New features

At long last, HTML Purifier Drupal module is officially released. Curiously enough, this is also the last release... for Drupal 5.x, at least!

New features:

htmlpurifier 6.x-1.x-dev

Development releases for those of you who like to live on the edge. Active development is occuring in this branch.

htmlpurifier 5.x-1.x-dev

Development release for Drupal 5.x. New features may or may not get added to this branch.

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