highrise 6.x-1.2

Resolved Following:
Issue #1326900 Duplicates? (Feature request for unique email push to highrise)
Added highrise webforms mapping edits

highrise 7.x-1.1

Resolved Following:
Issue #1324474 Port to D7
Issue #1326900 Duplicates? (Feature request for unique email push to highrise)
Issue #1729902 Error Notice
Issue #1729912 on localhost autocomplete not working

highrise 6.x-1.0-beta1

New features

Beta release for the module.


* The Highrise module uses the Highrise API to add contacts to Highrise using Drupal webforms.
* You can define a tag to be associated with your highrise contact.
* The url of the web page from where the user was created is appended to the background field in the highrise contact.

highrise 6.x-1.x-dev

New features

Dev release of the highrise module.


* The Highrise module uses the Highrise API to add contacts to Highrise using Drupal webforms.
* You can define a tag to be associated with your highrise contact.
* The url of the web page from where the user was created is appended to the background field in the highrise contact.

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