I have a site I am building and am using the Hexagon starter theme.

On the front page is a views slideshow that should cycle through a group of images. Only the first image is displayed, making me think the Javascript isn't being executed (or loaded, I'm not sure how to tell).

IF I switch to any of the other themes I have installed the slide show cycles as expected.

What did I miss?


bonobo’s picture

Try the dev branch.

We are using this with several views slideshows, and it's working without any issues.

cr0ss’s picture

Check these points:

1. $closure variable at the end of the pages
2. Firebug the JS errors

If there is no JS errors and variable $closure exists, you should check HTML of the page to see if the slideshow JS exists.

Next step to see your settings for Slideshow view, maybe there is some Group settings set wrong, etc...

lindsayo’s picture

I had this problem on my Hexagon-based project as well. I 'fixed' it by reverting Views Slideshow to 2.0. B/c Views Slideshow is working for me in Garland, but is giving the same problem to other folks in Hexagon, Zen or other themes, I don't think this is specifically a Hexagon issue.


It says 'fixed', but I haven't found a solution that actually fixes the problem except downgrading.