heading 8.x-1.6

New features

Added the text-as-heading formatter

The new formatter allows to format any string or text field (long text is not supported) as a heading with a configurable size.

Removed unnecessary code

The FormatterBase & WidgetBase already implement the ContainerFactoryPluginInterface, no need to repeat this.

No need to inject the string translations service.

It is not necessary to render translatable select option labels, the render engine does this for us.

heading 8.x-1.5

Bug fixes


  • Added Drupal 9 support.


  • Fixed limited with of the heading size field.
  • #3112893 by andrewmacpherson: mark heading module compatible with Drupal 9.
  • #3126319 by cdbusby: Heading field not required when checked in field settings.

heading 8.x-1.4

Bug fixes


  • Fixed rendering empty headings:
    The heading tags where added to the render array even if no heading text was set (in case of an optional field).

heading 8.x-1.3

New features

The heading widget text field had the "Heading" text as its label.
This is now fixed: it will use the field label (as defined when adding a heading field to an entity).

heading 8.x-1.2

Bug fixes
New features

Improvements and bug fixes.

Changes since 1.1:


  • Tokens support now all entity types, module no longer limited to paragraphs only.
  • The heading size selector is now hidden if there is only 1 size allowed.


  • #2934662 by zero2one, jnycz: Token was missing again.

heading 8.x-1.1

Bug fixes

Improvements and bug fixes.

Changes since 1.0:


  • #2949460 by volkswagenchick: README configs and formatting


  • #2934662 by zero2one, sdmeyers: TOKENS OR TOKEN TYPES MISSING NAME PROPERTY after update

heading 8.x-1.0

New features

This is the first stable release for Heading field module 8.x-1.x

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