guzzlerestgenerator 8.x-3.1

Bug fixes
New features

Feature Added: Ability to perform PUT requests and fixed data in POST requests.

guzzlerestgenerator 8.x-1.3

Bug fixes
New features

Feature Added: Ability to perform PUT requests by choosing PUT in the dropdown.

guzzlerestgenerator 8.x-3.0

Bug fixes

Issue #1 by eudaemonia,DigantDj: While changing the machinename for publshing on, functionality got affected. Fixed changes and installable now.

guzzlerestgenerator 8.x-1.2

Bug fixes

Issue #1 by eudaemonia,DigantDj: While changing the machinename for publshing on, functionality got affected. Fixed changes and installable now.

guzzlerestgenerator 8.x-1.0

New features

Functionality to perform GET & POST requests using the default Guzzle included in Drupal Vendor

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