grassroot_interests 8.x-1.x-dev

Welcome to Grassroots.
As the name suggests get you the common interest out of specific keyword.


The GI Search menu module displays the extra panel at the top of
the search showing the common term or url you wish to focus
when a certain "keyword" is searched. This module is not dependent
on search but it takes the argument passed in URL to match with the
mannually entered keywords bind them with title having a URL or
our choice within the site or some external URL.

grassroot_interests 7.x-1.0

Welcome to Grassroots.
As the name suggests get you the common interest out of specific keyword.


The GI Search menu module displays the extra panel at the top of
the search showing the common term or url you wish to focus
when a certain "keyword" is searched. This module is not dependent
on search but it takes the argument passed in URL to match with the
mannually entered keywords bind them with title having a URL or
our choice within the site or some external URL.

Thus purpose of this module is to enhance user search experience.
By providing binding of as many keywords as we want to a URL.


Requires : Panels, ctools, page-manager


* Install as usual, see for further information.


* Configure user permissions in Administration » People » Permissions:

* When installed a seperate menu item can be seen in dashboard as
as GI - Search >> Add Keywords
- Add keywords can be used to add the keyword, title and URLs.
* Setting up Panel page (adding plugin)
- Move to : Structure >> Pages.
- Create or enable the page you want to add GI results.
- Move to contents tab.
- Add Content > select Search Interest > GI - Your Interests.
- Configure value on "Number of results to diaplay on match".
- Set the text to be shown.

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