Simple Google Login allows users to register and login to your Drupal site with their Google account.

Google OAuth API PHP library helps web developer to integrate google login system by the quick, easy and powerful way. Once logged via Google Application, we'll store the user information into the user table.

The Google OAuth PHP library will be used in our script that supports OAuth for Google JSON Response.

Google Project Creation

  1. Go to the Google Developers Console
  2. Select an existing project, or create a new project by clicking Create Project:
    • In the Project name field, type in a name for your new project.
    • In the Project ID field, the console has created project ID. Optionally you can type in a project ID for your project. But project ID must be unique worldwide.
    • Click on the Create button and the project to be created in some seconds. Once the project is created successfully, the project name would be appearing at the top of the left sidebar.
  3. In the sidebar, select Credentials under the APIs & Auth section.
  4. In the OAuth section of the page, select Create New Client ID.
    • Create Client ID dialog box would be appearing for choosing application type.
    • In the Application type section of the dialog, select Web application and click on the Configure consent screen button.
    • Choose Email address, enter the Product name and save the form.
    • In the Authorized JavaScript origins field, enter your app origin. If you want to allow your app to run on different protocols, domains, or subdomains, then you can enter multiple origins.
    • In the Authorized redirect URI field, enter the redirect URL.
    • Click on Create Client ID.

Migration to 9.x branch
This is a major rewrite from 4.x and this branch makes use of latest google api so consider this as a fresh install.
You need to reconfigure the module as well as change the callback url in the google api console.
Also reconfigure the icon display.

This module depens on Google Api Client for authentication, etc.

Supporting organizations: 

Project information
