I am using google map store locator in my website. The requirement is to only load those markers on the map which are listed on the left panel. For example if I try to locate some store it lists out the nearest 5 stores in the left panel which is fine but on the map on the right hand side all the markers are there(visible when I zoom out in the map). What I need is to have only those 5 markers should be loaded onto the map even if I zoom out. Is this achievable using google map store locator. Thanks in advance!


A R J created an issue.

A R J’s picture

Any idea, how can i implement this? Please help !!

A R J’s picture

;(function($) {
  // module global namespace
  Drupal.GSL = {};

  // Google stores markers
  var homeMarker = [];

   * @extends storeLocator.StaticDataFeed
   * @constructor
  Drupal.GSL.dataSource = function (datapath) {
    // call the parent constructor

    // initialize variables
    this._stores = [];
    this._datapath = datapath;

  // Set parent class
  Drupal.GSL.dataSource.parent = storeLocator.StaticDataFeed;

  // Inherit parent's prototype
  Drupal.GSL.dataSource.prototype = new Drupal.GSL.dataSource.parent;

  // Correct the constructor pointer
  Drupal.GSL.dataSource.prototype.constructor = Drupal.GSL.dataSource;

  Drupal.GSL.dataSource.prototype.getStores = function(bounds, features, callback) {

    var markerClusterEnabled = Drupal.settings.gsl[Drupal.GSL.currentMap.mapid]['mapcluster'];
    var markerClusterZoom = Drupal.settings.gsl[Drupal.GSL.currentMap.mapid]['mapclusterzoom'];
    var switchToMarkerCluster = (Drupal.GSL.currentMap.getZoom() < markerClusterZoom);
    var viewportEnabled = Drupal.settings.gsl[Drupal.GSL.currentMap.mapid]['viewportManage'];
    var viewportMarkerLimit = Drupal.settings.gsl[Drupal.GSL.currentMap.mapid]['viewportMarkerLimit'];
    var viewportNoMarkers = (Drupal.GSL.currentMap.getZoom() < viewportMarkerLimit);

    if ((markerClusterEnabled && switchToMarkerCluster && !$.isEmptyObject(Drupal.GSL.currentCluster)) || (viewportEnabled && viewportNoMarkers)) {
      // Once cluster has been initialized we don't even need to fetch data, or
      // if Viewport is enabled, and the map zoom is less then the viewport zoom
      // limit.

    if (!viewportEnabled) {
      // Viewport marker management isn't enabled. We're gonna load all the
      // stores.
      var url = this._datapath;
    else {

      // Marker management is enabled. Load only some of the stores.
      var swPoint = bounds.getSouthWest();
      var nePoint = bounds.getNorthEast();

      var swLat = swPoint.lat();
      var swLng = swPoint.lng();
      var neLat = nePoint.lat();
      var neLng = nePoint.lng();
      if (swLat < neLat) {
        var latRange = swLat + '--' + neLat;
      else {
        // This case is never triggered since the Google Map doesn't allow you to revolve vertically
        var latRange = swLat + '--90+-90--' + neLat;
      if (swLng < neLng) {
        var lonRange = swLng + '--' + neLng;
      else {
        var lonRange = swLng + '--180+-180--' + neLng;

      var url = this._datapath + '/' + latRange + '/' + lonRange;

    var that = this;
    // Loading all stores can take a while, display a loading overlay.
    if ($("#cluster-loading").length == 0) {
      $('#' + Drupal.GSL.currentMap.mapid).append('<div id="cluster-loading" class="ajax-progress ajax-progress-throbber"><div>' + Drupal.t('Loading') + '<span class="throbber"></span></div></div>');
    $.getJSON(url, function(json) {
      //defining our success handler, i.e. if the path we're passing to $.getJSON
      //is legit and returns a JSON file then this runs.

      // These will be either all stores, or those within the viewport.
      var stores = that.parseStores_(json);

      // Filter stores for features.
      var filtered_stores = [];
      for (var i = 0, store; store = stores[i]; i++) {
        if (store.hasAllFeatures(features)) {
      that.sortByDistance_(bounds.getCenter(), filtered_stores);

      if (markerClusterEnabled && switchToMarkerCluster) {
        if ($.isEmptyObject(Drupal.GSL.currentCluster)) {
          Drupal.GSL.initializeCluster(filtered_stores, that);

   * Overridden: Sorts a list of given stores by distance from a point in ascending order.
   * Directly manipulates the given array (has side effects).
   * @private
   * @param {google.maps.LatLng} latLng the point to sort from.
   * @param {!Array.<!storeLocator.Store>} stores  the stores to sort.
  Drupal.GSL.dataSource.prototype.sortByDistance_ = function(latLng,
                                                             stores) {
    stores.sort(function(a, b) {
      return a.distanceTo(latLng) - b.distanceTo(latLng);


   * Overridden: Set the stores for this data feed.
   * @param {!Array.<!storeLocator.Store>} stores the stores for this data feed.
   * - Sets _stores since storeLocator variable is minified
  Drupal.GSL.dataSource.prototype.setStores = function(stores) {
    this._stores = stores;
    Drupal.GSL.dataSource.parent.prototype.setStores.apply(this, arguments);

   * Parse data feed
   * @param {object} JSON
   * @return {!Array.<!storeLocator.Store>}
  Drupal.GSL.dataSource.prototype.parseStores_ = function(json) {
    var stores = [];

    if (!('features' in json)) {
      return stores;

    // build all our stores
    for (var i in json.features) {

      var item = json.features[i];

      if (!item) {

      // clone item properties so we can alter for features
      var itemFeatures = ('properties' in item) ? $.extend({}, item.properties) : {};

      // initialize store properties
      var storeProps = {};

      // extract coordinates
      var Xcoord = item.geometry.coordinates[0];
      var Ycoord = item.geometry.coordinates[1];

      // create a unique id
      var store_id = 'store-' + (itemFeatures.nid);

      // set title to views_geojson 'name'
      if ('name' in itemFeatures) {
        storeProps.title = itemFeatures.name;
        delete itemFeatures.name;
      else {
        storeProps.title = store_id;

      // set address to views_geojson 'description'
      if ('description' in itemFeatures) {
        storeProps.address = itemFeatures.description;
        delete itemFeatures.description;

      // set latitude and longitude
      var position = new google.maps.LatLng(Ycoord, Xcoord);

      // create a FeatureSet since features are required by storeLocator.Store()
      var storeFeatureSet = new storeLocator.FeatureSet;
      for (var prop in itemFeatures) {
        // only add rendered features
        if (prop.search(/_rendered$/i) > 0 && itemFeatures[prop]) {
          switch(prop) {
            case "gsl_feature_filter_list_rendered":
              // It's a non-empty feature filter list. We need to create an id and
              // display name for it. It will be coming in as a comma separated
              // string.
              var list = itemFeatures[prop].split(',');
              for(var j = 0; j < list.length; j++) {
                // Go through each feature and add it.
                var label = list[j].trim();
                // Generate the id from the label by getting rid of all the
                // whitespace in it.
                var id = label.replace(/\s/g,'');
                var storeFeature = new storeLocator.Feature(id, label);

            case "gsl_props_misc_rendered":
              storeProps.misc = itemFeatures.gsl_props_misc_rendered;

            case "gsl_props_phone_rendered":
              storeProps.phone = itemFeatures.gsl_props_phone_rendered;

            case "gsl_props_web_rendered":
              var url = itemFeatures.gsl_props_web_rendered.split(',');
              storeProps.web = '<a href="' + url[1] + '">' + url[0] + '</a>';

      // create our new store
      var store = new storeLocator.Store(store_id, position, storeFeatureSet, storeProps);
    return stores;

   * @extends storeLocator.Panel
   * @constructor
  Drupal.GSL.Panel = function (el, opt_options) {
    // set items per panel
    if (opt_options['items_per_panel'] && !isNaN(opt_options['items_per_panel'])) {
      this.set('items_per_panel', opt_options['items_per_panel']);
    else {
      // use default items per panel
      this.set('items_per_panel', Drupal.GSL.Panel.ITEMS_PER_PANEL_DEFAULT);

    // call the parent constructor (in compiled format)
    storeLocator.Panel.call(this, el, opt_options);

    // ensure this variable is set
    this.storeList_ = $('.store-list', el);

  // When we create a new object of type Drupal.GSL.Panel that object will
  // inherit all the properties of it's constructor prototype i.e.
  // Drupal.GSL.Panel.prototype. Thus we need to properly set the prototype.
  // Object.create() creates a new object with the specified prototype object
  // and properties.
  Drupal.GSL.Panel.prototype = Object.create(storeLocator.Panel.prototype);


   * Overridden storeLocator.Panel.prototype.stores_changed
  Drupal.GSL.Panel.prototype.stores_changed = function() {

    if (!this.get('stores')) {

    var view = this.get('view');
    var bounds = view && view.getMap().getBounds();

    var that = this;
    var stores = this.get('stores');
    var selectedStore = this.get('selectedStore');

    if (!stores.length) {
      this.storeList_.append('<li class="no-stores">' + Drupal.t('There are no stores in this area.') + '</li>');
    } else if (bounds && !bounds.contains(stores[0].getLocation())) {
      this.storeList_.append('<li class="no-stores">' + Drupal.t('There are no stores in this area. However, stores closest to you are listed below.') + '</li>');

    var clickHandler = function() {
      view.highlight(this['store'], true);

    // Add stores to list
    var items_per_panel = this.get('items_per_panel');
    // Initialize the map value in order to get proximity
    var map = Drupal.GSL.currentMap;

    // loop through all store values
    for (var i = 0, ii = Math.min(items_per_panel, stores.length); i < ii; i++) {
      // Get store data
      var storeLi = stores[i].getInfoPanelItem();

      // Check if proximity was desired, and if so render it.
        // Determine if the user wants values converted to MI or KM.
        // As the base value is in KM, apply a multiplier for KM to MI if desired.
        if(Drupal.settings.gsl.metric == 'mi'){
          proximityMultiplier = .621371;
          metricText = 'miles';
          proximityMultiplier = 1;
          metricText = 'km';
        // Calculate distance to the store
        var storeDistance = Number((stores[i].distanceTo(map.getCenter()) * proximityMultiplier).toFixed(2));

        // add distance to HTML
        if($('.distance', storeLi).length > 0){ //if distance field already there, change text
          $('.distance', storeLi).text(storeDistance + ' miles');
        }else{ // No distance field yet! APPEND full HTML!
          $('.address', storeLi).append('<div class="distance">' + storeDistance + ' ' + metricText + '</div>');

      // Updates the home marker every single time there is a refresh

      storeLi['store'] = stores[i];
      if (selectedStore && stores[i].getId() == selectedStore.getId()) {

      if (!storeLi.clickHandler_) {
        storeLi.clickHandler_ = google.maps.event.addDomListener(
          storeLi, 'click', clickHandler);


   * Overridden storeLocator.Panel.prototype.selectedStore_changed
  Drupal.GSL.Panel.prototype.selectedStore_changed = function() {
    // Call the parent method in the context of this object using 'this'.

    // Remember that this method runs on the initial map build. Then it runs
    // again when you select a store in the panel. We only care about the latter
    // event for disabling the Street View link.

    // We use store to determine if it's the initial map build or the 'select a
    // store' in the panel event. We only care about the event.
    var store = this.get('selectedStore');
    if (store) {
      // At this point all the links are added to the selected store. We should
      // first check that the Street View imagery exists: if no then disable the
      // link.

      // Create a StreetViewService object that we use to check if the Street
      // View imagery associated with the selected store is available.
      var sv = new google.maps.StreetViewService();
      // We're gonna limit the search for imagery to 50 meters.
      sv.getPanoramaByLocation(store.getLocation(),  50, function(data, status) {
        if (status != google.maps.StreetViewStatus.OK) {

          $("a[class='action streetview']").after($('<span>').attr({
            'class': 'action streetview',
            'style': 'color:#C9C9C9'
          }).html($("a[class='action streetview']").text()));

          $("a[class='action streetview']").remove();

  //Initialize variable for
  Drupal.GSL.currentMap = {};
  Drupal.GSL.currentCluster = {};

  Drupal.GSL.setCurrentMap = function(map, mapid) {
    Drupal.GSL.currentMap = map;
    Drupal.GSL.currentMap.mapid = mapid;

   * Create the marker cluster.
  Drupal.GSL.initializeCluster = function (stores, that) {
    var map = Drupal.GSL.currentMap;
    var markerClusterZoom = Drupal.settings.gsl[Drupal.GSL.currentMap.mapid]['mapclusterzoom'];
    var markerClusterGrid = Drupal.settings.gsl[Drupal.GSL.currentMap.mapid]['mapclustergrid'];
    var mcOptions = {gridSize: markerClusterGrid, maxZoom: markerClusterZoom - 1};
    // We populate it later in addStoreToMap().
    Drupal.GSL.currentCluster = new MarkerClusterer(map, [], mcOptions);

   * Create map on window load
  Drupal.behaviors.googleStoreLocator = {
    attach: function (context, context_settings) {

      // Process all maps on the page
      for (var mapid in Drupal.settings.gsl) {
        if (!(mapid in Drupal.settings.gsl)) {

        var $container = $('#' + mapid, context);
        if (!$container.length) {

        var $canvas = $('.google-store-locator-map', $container);
        if (!$canvas.length) {

        var $panel = $('.google-store-locator-panel', $container);
        if (!$panel.length) {

        var map_settings = Drupal.settings.gsl[mapid];
        var locator = {};

        // Get data
        locator.data = new Drupal.GSL.dataSource(map_settings['datapath']);

        locator.elements = {
          canvas: $canvas.get(0),
          panel: $panel.get(0)

        locator.map = new google.maps.Map(locator.elements.canvas, {
          // Default center on North America.
          center: new google.maps.LatLng(map_settings['maplat'], map_settings['maplong']),
          zoom: map_settings['mapzoom'],
          maxZoom: Drupal.settings.gsl.max_zoom,
          mapTypeId: map_settings['maptype'] || google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP

        Drupal.GSL.setCurrentMap(locator.map, mapid);

        var feature_list = map_settings['feature_list'];
        var storeFeatureSet = new storeLocator.FeatureSet;
        // Loop through the feature list and add each from the admin provided allowed values.
        for(var feature in feature_list) {
          // Mimic the id creation we did when parsing the stores.
          var id = feature_list[feature].replace(/\s/g,'');
          var storeFeature = new storeLocator.Feature(id, feature_list[feature]);

        locator.view = new storeLocator.View(locator.map, locator.data, {
          markerIcon: map_settings['marker_url'],
          geolocation: false,
          features: storeFeatureSet

        locator.panel = new Drupal.GSL.Panel(locator.elements.panel, {
          view: locator.view,
          items_per_panel: map_settings['items_per_panel'],
          locationSearchLabel: map_settings['search_label']

        // Override addStoreToMap() to implement marker cluster.
        locator.view.addStoreToMap = function(store) {
          var marker = this.getMarker(store);
          var that = this;

          marker.clickListener_ = google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click',
            function() {
              that.highlight(store, false);

          if (marker.getMap() != this.getMap()) {
          // Marker hasn't been added to the map before. Decide what to do with it.
            var markerClusterEnabled = Drupal.settings.gsl[Drupal.GSL.currentMap.mapid]['mapcluster'];
            var markerClusterZoom = Drupal.settings.gsl[Drupal.GSL.currentMap.mapid]['mapclusterzoom'];
            var switchToMarkerCluster = (Drupal.GSL.currentMap.getZoom() < markerClusterZoom);
            if (markerClusterEnabled && switchToMarkerCluster) {
              // Marker is added to the cluster.
            else {
              // Marker is added directly to the map.
      } // mapid loop

      locator = null;

   * Semi hacky method of placing a marker for the users location.
   * This fires everytime the map is updated.
   * The correct method apparantly involves line 490 of panel.js and
   * adding an event listener. I was unable to abstract how to make it work
   * in that fashion.
  // Update marker functionality

  Drupal.GSL.Panel.prototype.updateHomeMarker = function(){

    var locationValue = $('input','.storelocator-filter').val();

    // If the location value isn't empty
    if(locationValue.length > 0){
      // Bring in maps geocoder
      var geo = new google.maps.Geocoder;

      //unset home marker if it exists
        for (var i = 0; i < homeMarker.length; i++) {
        homeMarker = [];

      // Geocode entered address location
      geo.geocode({'address':locationValue},function(results, status){
        newHomeMarker = new google.maps.Marker({
          map: Drupal.GSL.currentMap,
          position: results[0].geometry.location,
          title: 'You are here!',
          // Use Google's default blue marker.
          icon: 'http://maps.google.com/mapfiles/ms/icons/blue-dot.png'


In this code, only in left panel results are fine, that means, i am able to limit the stores. But in map all the stores are displayed. In this code actually implementation for map and left panel are different. I know basics of JavaScript not high level. Can you help me how can implement the same for map and reload it with same result in left panel.