I want to control the region the store locator and panel being placed into. I was hoping I could just use a content-type page .tpl to move thing around within the rest of the layout, but that doesn't seem to be working.

After trying it, and it not working I'm guessing all that would do is change the display of the actual "/name-of-store" path and not the sitename/store-locator path.

I can't find anything in the code that would point to a tpl file. It certainly isn't a view in a block since it's basically being rendered in the primary content area of my standard tpl file.

My first wish is to have a separate page.tpl so I can get all the part of pieces of the page where I want them. Being that it looks like all the code is generated in JS, I can't even think of a way load that into a view and then but the view in a panel layout that's full width.

Any thought on what the page tpl needs to be and what the right theme hook would need to be in preprocess? This is what I have working for my other hinting for page tpl's.

  if (isset($variables['node'])) {
  // If the node type is "blog" the template suggestion will be "page--blog.tpl.php".
   $variables['theme_hook_suggestions'][] = 'page__'. str_replace('_', '--', $variables['node']->type);


erikphanson created an issue.

tobyontour’s picture

Not a solution, but a starting point:

  1. Copy the whole of the function theme_google_store_locator_contents() into your template.php and rename the function to YOURTHEME_google_store_locator_contents (where YOURTHEME is replaced with the machine name of your theme).
  2. In the $output array alter the gsl_map_container array to put things in the order you want.