This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

GeoRSS can be used to make RSS feeds location aware. This allows end-users to display feeds of content on a map built with Open Layers, the Google Maps API, or similar libraries and applications. More information can be found at:

The GeoRSS Module allows users to add geographic point data to outgoing RSS feeds. It supports two formats - Simple GeoRSS and GML - and can be administered at admin/settings/georss.

The GeoRSS Module was originally built and maintained for Drupal 4 and 5 by geodaniel.


  • This module is only supported for Drupal 6. Earlier versions are not being maintained.
  • The Location and Geo modules provide their own GeoRSS support. If you are using either of these modules to store your geo data, you will want to rely on them for your GeoRSS needs.

Project information
