I get this error when saving my theme settings at admin/appearance/settings/my_theme


fate1’s picture

I have exactly the same error.

jpstokes’s picture

I also have this same problem.

jlscott’s picture

I am getting this error on save of theme settings. I am using the fusion sub-theme "Alloy".

The error is generated when the following "if" statement on line 402 is executed

 * Callback function upon saving theme settings.
 * If responsive is enabled, will initiate grid generation.
function _fusion_accelerator_theme_settings_save($form, &$form_state) {

  $values = $form_state['values'];
  if (!$values['responsive_enabled']) {
    // Only generate a grid file if responsive is enabled. Non-responsive
    // layouts will rely on static files found either in fusion_core/css or the
    // subtheme's css folder.

This code implies that there should be a field called "responsive_enabled" with a boolean value in the form being submitted (a check box perhaps?) but that it appears to be missing.

A possibly related issue is that when the theme settings form is displayed, it seems to think that the "fusion_accelerator" module is not enabled, and so only displays layout options for desktop. I have disabled and uninstalled the fusion_accelerator module before re-installing but the problem did not go away.

grofftech’s picture

I am getting the exact same error. It was working at one time, but now there is no radio button to enable responsive when you go to the theme settings. I am using the fusion_starter subtheme of fusion core. Jlscott you are right on, where when the form displays it doesn't seem to think that fusion_accelerator is enabled so you just get the desktop settings.

grofftech’s picture

I found the code in fusion_accelearator.module for the radio option to toggle responsive for the entire theme:

// Toggles responsive for the entire theme, not just for a single display.
$form['tnt_container']['general_settings']['theme_grid_config']['responsive_enabled'] = array(
    '#type'           => 'radios',
    '#title'          => t('Enable responsive'),
    '#default_value'  => theme_get_setting('responsive_enabled', $theme_name),
    '#options'        => array(
      '1' => t('Yes - adapt the grid to various devices (recommended)'),
      '0' => t('No - always design for the desktop browser'),
    '#weight'         => -5,

Not sure if this will help, but this is the option that is missing under General Settings on my site.

bearstar’s picture

Issue summary: View changes

Did anyone find a solution for this issue? I, too, saw the responsive options once and since then they have disappeared and I get the error.

jlscott’s picture

@bearstar. Sorry. I stopped using Fusion based themes, and switched to AdaptiveThemes for my sites.