We're having an issue on our site where the Fusion Accelerator module CSS classes disappear. We have various blocks that use these, so when they disappear obviously the site looks terrible. Clearing the cache fixes the problem for a little while.

When it disappears, the "edit skin" link for the block is also gone. When I go to the Fusion Accelerator Applied Skins page, it lists all of the blocks that "should" have styles attached to them. If I click the settings for any of the items listed the page only shows a "Save" button.

We are using a custom Fusion Subtheme (based on the starter). The only changes to the theme have been in the CSS stylesheets.

Any thoughts?


esmerel’s picture

I've never seen anything like that before. Is there anything in your server/Drupal error logs that shows up about the same time this kind of thing starts happening?