I've seen some posts here about drag-n-drop creation of new nodes in D6. Is it possible that this could be added to D7?


tim.plunkett’s picture

Title: Drag & Drop Creation for D7 » Drag & Drop Creation

Marking #1085862: Create, Edit, Delete event with Drag and drop, Context menu, Colorbox and Ajax as a duplicate because nothing came of it, and was about 4 features at once.

_paul_meta’s picture

would be really great to see this feature for D6 !!! happy to test patches and chip in $ .. this would be very helpful for a project i'm working on.

drseussofporn’s picture

This is the feature I am really excited about. Once implemented, Drupal can become a full scheduling solution (with the proper resource modules installed).

tim.plunkett’s picture

Assigned: Unassigned » tim.plunkett

I have semi-working code for this, I will post it here as soon as its enough to test out.

xlyz’s picture


tim.plunkett’s picture

See http://drupalcode.org/project/fullcalendar.git/shortlog/refs/heads/rewri.... I'm having trouble managing these different issues. It's going to be a mess.

aspilicious’s picture

Not working at the moment, marking needs work so it's clear :)

aspilicious’s picture

Status: Active » Needs work
tim.plunkett’s picture

Issue tags: +fulllcalendar rewrite


tim.plunkett’s picture

Add this to fullcalendar_legend_block_view() when #1305656: Add a legend for events is in.

$block['droppable'] = !empty($view->style_plugin->options['droppable']);

tim.plunkett’s picture

Issue tags: -fulllcalendar rewrite

This didn't make it into the release, but it has its own branch:

aspilicious’s picture

Issue tags: +fulllcalendar rewrite

We also need to add the views droppable setting ;) else this will never work.

johnv’s picture

has this issue become a duplicate of #1342346: Click and drag to create an event ?