
Might it be possible to integrate with the invite module (http://drupal.org/project/invite)?
In D5 Buddylist and UR provided this integration, that when a user registers who has been invited, a relationship between both is created.
I know it is still in dev, but the API function doesn't look to complicated (See Invite readme: http://cvs.drupal.org/viewvc.py/drupal/contributions/modules/invite/READ...).
But unfortunately I'm not a coder at all.

This would be great, thank you.




mariusooms’s picture

I agree...it would be helpful for friendlist to support such a module. Much like privatemsg is enhances the productivity of friendlist. Hopefully down the road, after all bugs and other request are ironed out, this can become a reality.



bensemmel’s picture


I tried it it on my own by writing my first module with the following code:

function semmelnplus_invite($op, $args) {
   if ($op == 'escalate') {
    friendlist_api_relation_add($args['inviter']->uid, $args['invitee']->uid, 1,'', $user_generated=FALSE);
    friendlist_api_relation_add($args['invitee']->uid, $args['inviter']->uid, 1,'', $user_generated=FALSE);

That works fine, and invitee and inviter are getting friends.

My only problem is that I don't know how to avoid that rules is sending emails that confirms the new relationship. I understood the readme that by using the $user_generated=FALSE statement whould prevent rules from sending these emails.

Any help would be great.

Beside that, I would love to see that somebody would take the above snippet and would create a real module with permission check and everything.

Thank you



mariusooms’s picture

Hi Ben,

The User Relations module has a similar architecture as Friendlist. In this issue Jaydub has done a some work already to make a contrib module to support the invite module. Hopefully we can take ideas and pieces of code from that contrib to create a contrib for Friendlist as well. Permission has already been granted ;)

Mind you the priority is not high on the list, but it would be good to see this ported to here as well. Patches welcome...




pisco23’s picture

subscribing - will be needing this sometime soon !

pisco23’s picture

Is there any progess on this question?

browlands’s picture


nirad’s picture


irakli’s picture

This is on the release map. We will have to update code, so that the problem mentioned by bensemmel does not occur.


Maikel’s picture

Has there been any progress? Interested in this functionality too. If not, i am willing to (help) code this sort of functionality.
Let me know.

jaxpax’s picture
