I change the value of width, height and sidebar width, but is doesn't change any aspects of fpss block. I find only a few codes relative to the variable, around ob_start $_GET in fpss.module.

Is it under developing or I didn't understand this module clearly? Any help will be appreciated.

function _fpss_get_include_contents($filename, $query) {
  if (is_file($filename)) {
    $_GET = $query;
    include $filename;
    $contents = ob_get_contents();
    return $contents;
  return false;
function fpss_stylesheet_create($node) {
  global $base_url;

  // Collect the slideshow's config values
  //$config = db_fetch_object(db_query('SELECT * FROM {fpss_slideshows} s JOIN {node} n ON s.vid = n.vid'));

  // Set the template type
  if (!$node->template) {
    $fpss_template = variable_get('fpss_template', 'Default');
  else {
    $fpss_template = $node->template;

  // Get the path for the template folder
  $fpss_templatesfolder = variable_get('fpss_templatesfolder', 'templates');

  // Check to see if the stylesheet is set to Random.
  if ($fpss_template == 'Random') {
    $templates = fpss_dirlist(drupal_get_path('module','fpss').'/fpss/'.variable_get('fpss_templatesfolder','templates'));
    $fpss_template = array_rand($templates);

  // Get the path to the template_css.php script from FPSS
  $main_css_path = drupal_get_path('module','fpss').'/fpss/'. $fpss_templatesfolder.'/'. $fpss_template.'/template_css.php';

  // Prepate the values to be passed into the template via URI
  //$query = '?w='. $node->width.'&h='. $node->height.'&sw='. $node->sidebar_width.'';
  $query = array('w' => $node->width, 'h' => $node->height, 'sw' => $node->sidebar_width);

  // Load the local CSS stylesheet.
  $style = file_get_contents($base_url . '/' . $main_css_path . $query);
  $style = _fpss_get_include_contents($main_css_path, $query);

  //firep($style, 'FPSS Location');

  // Return the path to where this CSS file originated from, stripping
  // off the name of the file at the end of the path.
  $base = base_path() . dirname($main_css_path) .'/';
  _drupal_build_css_path(NULL, $base);