User follow block

Follow adds sitewide and per user links that link to various social networking sites. The links reside in two blocks. The Follow Site block lists all the links for the site itself, and by default is visible on all pages. The Follow User block lists all the follow links for the user and is visible only on user profile pages.


It is recommended to enable a module such as external that will pop open
the follow links in a new tab or window, as target="_blank" does not validate.

Social Networks

Here's a list of some of the currently supported social networks:

Drupal 10

Currently, Drupal 10 version lets users enable required follow links on the /admin/config/people/follow page. After that, you can add any user links on /user/{UID}/follow page and render them as a block.
It also possible to add icons as a view field or an extra field on the manage display page.

To configure any permissions, you can use /admin/people/permissions/module/follow page.

For developers, there is a hook_follow_links_alter(array &$links) hook to add/edit/delete any follow links.

Supporting organizations: 
Development and maintenance

Project information
