flowplayer 5.x-0.3

Changes since 0.2:

flowplayer 6.x-0.3

Bug fixes

Changes since 0.2:

  • #639128 by jbrown: Update to Flowplayer 3.1.5.
  • #637070 by jbrown: Incorrect event handling for onMute, onUnmute and onPause.
  • #524364 by com2: Incorrect variable retrieved in the administration.

flowplayer 5.x-0.1

First official release of the Flowplayer module for Drupal 5. Comes with Flowplayer 3.1.3.

flowplayer 5.x-1.x-dev

Drupal 5 development snapshot. Note that there are bugs in the Drupal 5 backport, so please open bug reports and get active on #370783: Drupal 5 support: Administration Page if you find any.

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