filefield 6.x-3.13

Security update

Changes since 6.x-3.12:

  • Utilize download access function if available when validating file IDs.

filefield 6.x-3.12

Security update

This release of FileField fixes an access bypass issue that may allow a private file to be reused from a revision when a user did not have access to that revision. No other significant changes were made in this release and upgrading is recommended for all FileField installations.

see SA-CONTRIB-2014-015

filefield 6.x-3.11

Bug fixes

Maintenance release of FileField for Drupal 6. This version of the module fixes several bugs, increasing FileField compatibility with newer versions of PHP and reducing PHP notices. Upgrading is recommended for all FileField users.

Changes since 6.x-3.10:

filefield 6.x-3.10

New features
Bug fixes

The 3.10 release of FileField is a minor maintenance release to fix a few issues around files that have gone missing (by manually moving or crufty data) or when using FileField Meta. It also includes a few minor features.

filefield 6.x-3.9

Bug fixes

The 3.9 release of FileField fixes a critical bug that would prevent images from displaying when used with ImageField and the PressFlow Drupal distribution.

filefield 6.x-3.8

New features
Bug fixes

The 3.8 release of FileField includes several bug fixes and corrects a major problem that prevents files from being selected for uploading in the latest version of Google Chrome. If you have users that use Google Chrome, this is a highly recommended update, as Chrome users will not be able to upload files using the previous versions of FileField.

A matching 3.8 version of ImageField is also available. It is recommended to upgrade FileField and ImageField at the same time.

filefield 6.x-3.7

Bug fixes

This release continues attempting to correct issues introduced in the 3.4 security release. This release fixes a single bug that would cause files and images to not display properly when using "Linked to node" formatters or when displaying files through Views module.

Bug Fixes:
#841212: warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in..../ on line 292.

filefield 6.x-3.6

Bug fixes

This issue continues fixing problems introduced in the 3.4 version (after the security update). This version of course also includes the security update and all previous versions.

This version mostly corrects new functionality and restores some of the APIs that were changed in 3.4. This should provide better support for contrib modules that build on FileField. There are some minor CSS and markup changes in this release that may affect sites using the "Generic file" formatter. These changes allow for better display of file names and icons in views and layouts that float content.

filefield 6.x-3.5

Bug fixes

Minor release to fix two noticeable bugs in 6.x-3.4.

#829856 by bengtan fix warning due to missing node parameter

#829920 by YesCT, mieg, and pwolanin check for tags existing, avoid dividing by zero

filefield 5.x-2.5

Security update

This release fixes an XSS security hole regarding FileField tokens.

filefield 6.x-3.4

Security update
Bug fixes

This release of FileField fixes an XSS security hole and fixes permission handling in several areas. On the feature side of things, FileField now includes a more flexible API for better integration with 3rd party modules like IMCE and FileField Sources. FileField Meta now stores and exposes ID3 tags (Artist, Album, etc.) through Views and Token support.

filefield 6.x-3.3

Security update
New features
Bug fixes

This version of FileField fixes a security issue related to setting up a new field and several bugs regarding the normal functionality of FileField. It also makes significant improvements to the FileField Meta module and Views integrations. Upgrading is recommended for all users of FileField.

filefield 6.x-3.2

Security update
Bug fixes

This is a maintenance release that corrects problems discovered since the 3.1 release. It does not add any new features.

filefield 6.x-3.1

New features
Bug fixes

This minor release of FileField corrects several bugs that were discovered after the initial 3.0 release. Upgrading is recommended for all users.

filefield 6.x-3.0

New features
Bug fixes

Final release of FileField for Drupal 6. This version fixes several bugs since the RC1 release, and adds upload progress metering. No new database updates since RC1, but clearing caches is necessary for users upgrading for the upload progress menu callback to be registered. Several new API functions are available for easing 3rd-party integration.

filefield 6.x-3.0-rc1

Security update
Bug fixes

This release fixes fixes a critical security problem that allowed any user that can create content with a file field to delete other files in the Drupal installation.

This version of FileField marks the complete stabilization of FileField APIs, fixes a critical bug concerning the display of FileFields within views, another critical bug regarding CCK not storing data properly, and several other smaller bugs.

filefield 6.x-3.0-beta3

Bug fixes

This version of FileField fixes a few critical issues and several minor cleanups. We're shooting for a final release of FileField and ImageField next week, you can help by testing out the latest versions of FileField and reporting any problems to the FileField Issue Queue.

This release contains no new database updates from beta2. Though any users updating from an alpha version are strongly encouraged to make a database backup before upgrading.

All users of FileField are encouraged to upgrade.

filefield 6.x-3.0-beta2

Bug fixes

This version of FileField fixes further bugs that were discovered after the release of FileField Beta1. It fixes several problems with corrupt database entries for people that used FileField between alpha2 and alpha6, so an update.php run is required after updating to this version. All users of FileField are highly encouraged to upgrade, but please make a database backup prior to ugprading.

filefield 6.x-3.0-beta1

New features
Bug fixes

This release of FileField adds a signficant amount of bug fixes since the previous alpha versions. It significantly improves functionality and the user interface in both FileField and ImageField. Users of the alpha versions of FileField are encouraged to upgrade with caution (make a backup of your database and files directory first). All new users should definitely use this version.

filefield 6.x-3.0-alpha7

Bug fixes

This release comes with a slew of bug fixes...

The last remaining critical/normal bug is a default value issue.... I think.. I could be totally wrong, but it's 5:30 am and I expect my issue queue will explode tomorrow. as always download at your own risk, but if this one is good we'll move into beta and start cleaning up minor issues.

filefield 6.x-3.0-alpha5

Bug fixes
  • #301468 by dalin, Node form saves "List" checkbox as the opposite of what the user selected.
  • #304077 by Moonshine, Upload validation help string cleanup.
  • #304077 by Moonshine, Follow-up little string cleanup...
  • #303796 by Moonshine, #ahah wrapper is incorrect for 'remove-btn'.

filefield 6.x-3.0-alpha3

New features
Bug fixes

This release introduces more cleanups and ajax uploads for filefield. There are still a few blocker to moving up to beta. The current beta blockers are the upgrade path, and deleting removes files on node save.

Changes since DRUPAL-6--3-0-ALPHA-2:

filefield 6.x-3.0-alpha2

Bug fixes

Changes since DRUPAL-6--3-0-ALPHA-1:

  • #280801 by dopry, update input[@file].accept to be a comma separated instead of pipe separated.
  • #292247 by drewish, Javascript was preventing uploads of all but the first listed extension.

filefield 6.x-3.0-alpha1

New features

This is the first function alpha release of FileField for Drupal 6. This release does not have AJAX. It implements the basic form workflow. We need to test the upgrade path more than anything. If you have a DB to test updating please do. If it fails we would love to have before and after dumps of you content_node_field and content_node_field_instance tables as well as the relevant field tables...

filefield 6.x-1.0-beta3

New features
Bug fixes

Bug fix plus bonus feature release - I wanted to put this out in the best known state before dopry had a go at slacking down the module again, removing or reworking the hooks, etc.

So this is "my" last filefield release for the time being, before I go off to other undertakings (trip abroad, diploma thesis, etc.). It's unclear whether I'll get back to filefield maintenance, or if so, when. So you'd better like what dopry makes of it :P

filefield 6.x-1.0-beta2

New features
Bug fixes

Much like beta1 from the user point of view, but with major new coolness in terms of extensibility, admin configurability and code quality.

So, what's new in beta2 (compared to beta1):
- Passes all current code style guidelines of the Coder module, and doesn't spit out dozens of PHP E_NOTICE errors (in case you had those enabled, which is unlikely if you don't run unreleased Drupal versions from CVS).
- Make the contents of the edit widgets hide behind a moving table header, like they should.
- Plus all the nice stuff from comment #39 in the porting issue. Including correct node deletion and revision handling, and the above-mentioned extensibility which also enables upload restrictions by specifying which file widgets are allowed, and configurable ImageCache support that I will release in a beta version at filefield_image just after releasing this one.

filefield 6.x-1.0-beta1

New features
Bug fixes

Very similar to alpha3, only with a bit more polish (style fixes from Coder, E_NOTICE fixes, CSS fixes, potential minor bug fixes) and the return of hook_filefield(), in a different form though. The main feature of this release is therefore feature parity with the Drupal 5 version (disregarding the one or other minor exception), which was my precondition to go from alpha to beta.

filefield 6.x-1.0-alpha3

Bug fixes

Bug fixes galore! This release is still *alpha* and therefore totally unsupported. Apart from that minor drawback though, it now works like a breeze, with all known bugs fixed (in FileField itself, at least). So the reason that this is still alpha is that hook_filefield() is not yet ported to the Drupal 6 version... but that shouldn't hurt a lot if you're not a developer.

filefield 6.x-1.0-alpha2

New features
Bug fixes

Pretty much the same as 6.x-1.0-alpha1, so go and take a look at that the release info text of that one before reading on. Note that this is still *alpha*, and thus can change anytime in any ways (be prepared to clear your caches), and can also break your system, eat your children and seduce your fiancees.

alpha1 had the not so nice feature of denying uploads for every user that is not user 1, which is the main reason that I'm doing an alpha2 so quickly. The other reason is that we're pretty much on par with FileField 5.x-2.x, at least concerning features (but disregarding bugs). hook_filefield() is still missing, but everything else exists with similar or better functionality. (Apart from the reminder message "Changes are not permanent until you save this post" - need to consider if we still need this at all.)

Improvements compared to alpha1, shamelessly stolen from the porting issue:
- Major new feature: Let users upload even if they are not user 1! (That is, I fixed the permission name in hook_menu().)
- Edit widgets (the thing with the icon and the description textfield, but not "List" and "Delete") are now always encapsulated form elements. That's a change for developers only, of course.

filefield 6.x-1.0-alpha1

New features
Bug fixes

Heya there, this is the first released version of FileField for Drupal 6. Mind the "alpha" label, meaning it might break anytime. This release is a preview, mainly for people who have a pressing need for a 6.x version but can live with a few (a lot?) bugs.

Incompatible with current imagefield HEAD, as it uses the same PHP functions ( unconditionally. If you try to activate both of those modules, prepare to meet your worst nightmare in form of fierce PHP errors.

The Drupal 6 port is not finished yet, and bugs can be expected both in FileField itself as well as in CCK. In particular, you are well-advised if you keep far away from CCK's "Unlimited" (amount of values) option, as in CCK 6.x-2.0-beta it is broken beyond belief. I'm working on that, just don't use it for now.

filefield 5.x-2.3

New features
Bug fixes

We've been in -rc long enough, plus the Drupal 6 port of filefield finally needs to be tackled. Therefore, some final polish and one nice feature compared to the last release candidate.

You get all the features and bugfixes from rc1 (doesn't have a release node), rc2, rc3 and rc4, plus these three additional improvements:

filefield 5.x-2.3-rc4

New features
Bug fixes

Small release, not featuring a lot of changes but still some important ones:

filefield 5.x-2.3-rc3

Bug fixes

This release cleans up a few minor issues from 2.3-RC2 and adds default icons.

filefield 5.x-2.3-rc2

New features
Bug fixes

The FileField 2.3 Release Candidate 2.

This release:


  • Remove the "Show 'List' option" widget setting, and replace it by an "Always list files" field setting (= !$show_list). Requires an update.php run to keep the old settings.
  • You can now leave extensions blank to turn of extension validation.
  • mime_detect dependency for more consistent server side mime detection.
  • client side extension validation using the accept property of input[@file] and a little js hackery.
  • added filefield_meta for automatically detecting file metadata using hook_filefield.
  • permission handling has changed. In order for filefield, imagefield, and upload.module to place nice a user must have permissions to view files for all the modules.
  • add not null views filter.
  • added french and swedish translations.


  • Fix suboptimal usage of t(): Placeholders are better than string concatenations.
  • Replace the "" string with an l() call.
  • Follow-up on #177638: always show files if "List" is hidden.
  • Fixed hook_filefield op == prepare implementation.
  • #180479, fix that silly create directory on validation issue for tokens now that we create the dir every time the file is uploaded.

filefield 5.x-2.2

Bug fixes

I hate pushing out two releases within half an hour, but the permission check should have gone into theme_filefield() instead of the CCK formatter. Releasing this so that people don't do ugly workarounds when they just want theme('filefield', ...) to work correctly.

filefield 5.x-2.1

Bug fixes

This follow-up release contains all the nice features from 5.x-2.0, but additionally contains a few fixes:

  • Add an upgrade function that cleans the menu cache, so that AJAX works without disabling/enabling the module.
  • Only display the field if the user has the "view filefield uploads" permission.
  • A remotely usable README.txt.

filefield 5.x-2.0

New features
Bug fixes

The waiting is over! Get Prepared (TM) for the long due, considerably improved, and totally sweet release of filefield 5.x-2.0.
While this release doesn't fix all issues that existed, many of the unpopular shortcomings of 5.x-1.0 are fixed, including:

filefield 5.x-1.x-dev

This is a development release of filefield 1.x. I do not plan on strongly supporting it as I'm focused on the 2.x series features right now.

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