field_validation 3.0.0-beta3

Bug fixes

changes since beta2:
1, Compatibility issue with Address module.
Symfony "Country" constraint renamed to "SymfonyCountry".

Clear the cache when you update.

No other changes.

field_validation 3.0.0-beta1

New features

changes since alpha3,add more symfony constraints:

Timezone and Choice are available as constraint plugin, but not add field validaiton rule support.

field_validation 3.0.0-alpha3

New features

changes since alpha2,add more symfony constraints:
Callback Constraint
EqualTo Constraint
NotEqualTo Constraint
Ulid Constraint
Cidr Constraint
Ip Constraint
Json Constraint
Hostname Constraint
CssColor Constraint

field_validation 3.0.0-alpha1

New features

1,Add constraint support for field validation rule.

It support 8 constraints provide by Drupal core:

2, Move original validation rule to field_validation_legacy module, the old rules works very well, you can still use them.

field_validation 8.x-1.0-rc2

Bug fixes

Changes since RC1:

1, tests for UrlFieldValidationRule, ItemCountFieldValidationRule,EqualValuesFieldValidationRule, by sumit-k
#3369911: write tests for UrlFieldValidationRule

field_validation 8.x-1.0-beta5

Bug fixes
New features

A lot changes since beta4:
1, Add more validation rules: URL, Specific values, Pattern, Match against a field, Equal values.
2,Add published only support for unique validation rule.
3, Date range fatal error #3327403
4,PHP notice when handling with date range validations. #3316331

field_validation 7.x-2.6

Bug fixes

a quick bug fix:
1, issue #[2503045], Length Validation - Error message firing for any length
2,add dependence to token module. issue #[2503099].

field_validation 7.x-2.5

Bug fixes
New features

Token and basic condition support.
Feeds integration.
Enable ctools plugin cache

field_validation 7.x-2.3

New features
Bug fixes

Changes since 7.x-2.2:

1,New validators:
postal code.

2,Bug fix:
Issue #[1875272] syntax error in date validator. fixed by cr0ss.

3,New features:
Issue #[1411270] support autocomplete taxonomy field. by David Stosik.
Issue #[1855106] unique validation on profile2 fields. by zambrey.
issue #[1848108] entity token, by Andrew Berry.

field_validation 7.x-2.2

New validators:
numeric (html5)
color (html5)
ean number

bug fix:
#[1782876] Filter form error messages with field_filter_xss

new features:
Feeds integration
Allow bypass validation

field_validation 7.x-2.1

New features
Bug fixes

Bugfix since 2.0:
Issue #[1616922], Field validation only works for the administor
Issue #[1684262], Unique validation triggered during field collection editing even if entity is unchanged, by gionnibgud.
Issue #[1713626], by scottrigby

new Feature:
Support property validation.Such as title , ubercart SKU,list_price.

field_validation 8.x-1.0-alpha1

The first workable version for Drupal 8 leveraging Plugin system.
Only include two validators: Email, Regex.
Export/Import feature have been removed, we will add it in later version.
Setting error message using Field API does not work.
Form_set_error works.

field_validation 7.x-2.0

Date validation module has been removed in this version.
The function of this module already include in date range2 validator.

Bug fixed since RC1:
Issue #[1663098] numeric validation

It seems that this 7.x-2.x is stable enough, and I decide to develop 8.x-1.x using Plugin system in Drupal core.
So we release the first stable version for 7.x-2.x.

field_validation 7.x-2.0-rc1

Bug fixes

changes since beta2:
fixed Issue #[1555870] typo error by hass
fixed Issue #[1576092] validate day is a monday
fixed issue #[1594754] machine name great than 32

It seems the code stable enough, and we will not add more validators to this module.

field_validation 7.x-2.0-beta2

New features
Bug fixes

Add new validators:
URL validator
Email validator
pattern(Regex lite) validator
Date range2 validator

Support 2 methods to set error message.

Add description for php code validator. thaks to anrikun, issue:

field_validation 7.x-1.0

The first stable version of field validation 7.x-1.0 after 1 years later. Maybe this is the last stable version of 7.x-1.x.
We only fixed bugs for 7.x-1.x, no new features add.
Since RC1:
1, Issue 1516296, Export object include ruleid which is the primary key,
2,Coding standard following coder module.
3, using ctools export for multifields validator to get the other group rules.

field_validation 7.x-2.0-beta1

New features

The first work able verion which could be used on production site.
A lot new features added in this verion. Code has been rewrited.
Be carefull when you update from 7.x-1.0 to 2.x, the update path is a little difficult.
You need down load field_validation_deprecated module before you update from 1.x to 2.x

field_validation 7.x-2.0-alpha1

This is the first workable version.
Please do not use it in production site.
The biggest change is using Ctools , using Ctools.
Now validator is a Ctools plugin, it will be more easire for other developers define a ctools plugin of field validation validator.
1,Validator is a plugin which using Ctools
2,validation rule is exportable
3,support token in error message.
4,allow several setting elements for validator.

field_validation 7.x-1.0-rc1

New features

1,Now validation rule is exportable, cloneable, and disable.
We have integrate Ctools module in this release.

2,we use select for populate colunm value.It is more friendly for user.

field_validation 7.x-1.0-beta6

Bug fixes

There are only a few bug fix and coding standard correct in beta6.
7.x-1.0-beta6 is a temp version, that is because I will add the feature of "exportable" and "cloneable", There will be a lot of code changes.

We build it base Ctools Export.
It is a big feature.The basic function already works correctly on my local machine.I will add the latest code to Dev version.

field_validation 7.x-1.0-beta5

New features
Bug fixes

Changes since 7.x-1.0-beta4:

•support date validation,add a date range validator.
•support compound field such as link,phone,date.
•#1316368:Custom Error Message doesnt work
•#1432676 by B-Prod: Fields overview: table design is not valid.

field_validation 7.x-1.0-beta4

New features
Bug fixes

Add new validators:
•Specific value(s)
•Require at least one of several fields
•Equal values on multiple fields
•Unique values on multiple fields
•Custom PHP function

Add a link for validation on field overview form
Support column defined in the hook_field_schema() of the field.That means you could add validation rules to taxonomy term and many other custom fields. Very powerfull. just try it.

field_validation 7.x-1.0-beta3

New features
Bug fixes

Add five new validator,
•Minimum number of selections required
•Maximum number of selections allowed
•Exact number of selections required
•Match another field(or entity property)

fix issue:

field_validation 7.x-1.0-beta2

New features

add more validators:
•Numeric values (optionally specify min and / or max value)
•Minimum length
•Maximum length
•Minimum number of words
•Maximum number of words
•Plain text (disallow tags)
•Must be empty (Anti-Spam: Hide with CSS)
•Words blacklist

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