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This module allow to use multiple values of field to create multiple pages.
For example, paginated pages for a single node.


  • Can use for content entities..
  • Can use for entity revisions (Paragraph for example).
  • Can use for Text fields.
  • Can use for Image fields.

Installation and Configuration

Download via composer and Install v`ia Drush

composer require 'drupal/field_pager'
drush en field_pager -y

Rebuild cache to update drupal plugins
drush cr

Configuration (Examples)

If necessary, Add or Update a field (Text field, or Entity reference field)
to your content type with 'Allowed number of values' (On Field settings)
grater than 1 (Or Unlimited).

Change the display plugin on 'Manage Display'->'Format'.
Note : The default pager plugins are always named like "Xxxxx (Pager)"

Current state of development

The module is under development, please do not add issues for
coding standard, misspellings, ... but for the real issues.

Project information
