When running on a Mac as normal user

02:31:51 /tmp/fetcher$ drush fec test 7
Running before build hooks...                                                                    [ok]
Before build hooks completed.                                                                    [success]
mkdir(): Permission denied Posix.php:38                                                          [warning]
Folder creation failed on path "/var/www/test/". on line 44 of                                   [error]
Something went wrong along the way, try running with `--verbose` to find the problem.            [error]
Command site-install needs a higher bootstrap level to run - you will need to invoke drush from a[error]
more functional Drupal environment to run this command.
The drush command 'site-install' could not be executed.                                          [error]
The directory /var/www/test/code does not contain a valid Drupal installation                    [error]
02:31:57 /tmp/fetcher$

fetcher should stop after the first failure.


tizzo’s picture

Agreed, for the most part fetcher wraps all of it's efforts in a try/catch and any step in the process that runs into a problem throws an exception ending the process. The installation step in fetcher-create is an exception (as is the database synchronization in fetcher-get. I'm working on a refactor of the task system and when that lands this will be resolved. That work is close and almost ready for a merge.