I am trying to creates nodes by creating data from a CSV file. I have a content type with a field of type date. The date format in the field settings is set to d/m/Y - H:i

In my CSV file, my dates appear as 16/06/2017 - 16:00 (for example).

I have created the CSV file by copying the machine field names and using them as header (so I wouldn't make mistakes when creating the mapping). Start date is field_date_heure_evt:start and end date is field_date_heure_evt:end.

The nodes are created, the title is imported... but no luck with the dates.

I have tried requiring the end date and also not requiring it... no success...


OCPMMontreal created an issue. See original summary.

louisalexandrecazal’s picture

I have tried to input the date manually in a node and checked what was returned in variables with devel kpr function, I got a date with 2017-06-16 - 15:00:00 (for example) as a format. So I edited my csv to reflect that. Still no luck.

louisalexandrecazal’s picture

Title: Import of cck date with end date from CSV returns empty » Import of date with end date from CSV returns empty