I have a feed importing users from an old database. I imported the users without any problem. I used the old id field mapped to a GUID in order to identify the entries and all is working well. I have all the users inside drupal now.

What I'm trying to do is create customer profiles "Shipping information" and "Billing information" related to the users recently imported. For creation of these customer profiles, I need to define the user id on the feed importer but I don't know what user id has the recently imported users. I supose that using GUID I can relate the users imported with the user id to import as a customer profiles, but it seems that it is not possible.

I can do this with taxonomy terms that seems to be almost similar. When you import taxonomy fields, you can search taxonomy id by GUID but not when you do with users.

I don't know if I am missing something or this functionality isn't implemented. I think that it can be a good feature but I have not the skills to do this but I can try it!

On taxonomy feeds the code is like this:

function taxonomy_feeds_term_lookup_term_by_guid($guid) {
  return db_select('feeds_item')
    ->fields('feeds_item', array('entity_id'))
    ->condition('entity_type', 'taxonomy_term')
    ->condition('guid', $guid)

Can someone help me??

Thanks a lot!