Drupal 7.56
Features 2.10

On or around cron run we've noticed that features reports missing module dependencies, we've confirmed on the file system and in the system table that they exist and are enabled, refreshing the features page then reports no missing dependencies but previously default field_instances are reverted and set to needs review.

So far:

1. Confirmed missing modules exist in the file system (no replication just standard disk)
2. Note that Drupal never fatal errors with supposed missing modules.
3. Confirmed db entries in systems table for missing modules, status is set to 1.
4. Confirmed that correct configuration (the config that gets reverted) is on the file system.
5. No errors/warnings/notices appear in our log system
6. The problem features all seem to revert fine from the UI and drush

As a work around we've locked field_instances on all the effected features so that they can't be reverted, this seems to be working but we can't deploy any new feature updates.

Would be grateful for any help with this.


mikebell_ created an issue.