Imagine a field collection like pictured

You have a select box, then some other information.

You want to use a token to pull the text field associated with the select box - but oh NO!

Your users can reorder the field collection items, and your existing numeric-tokens don't work:

PA Info:
State: [node:field-state-license-number:0:field_state]
License: [node:field-state-license-number:0:field_license]

The "0" index is going to pull whatever the first value is.

This module allows you to use a select box to define named deltas, so the tokens can be accessed by a sub-field:

PA Info:
State: [node:field-state-license-number-pa:field_state]
License: [node:field-state-license-number-pa:field_license]

Supporting organizations: 

Project information
