When clicking on login to Facebook to get an updated access token, Facebook spits this out:

Invalid Scopes: publish_stream. This message is only shown to developers. Users of your app will ignore these permissions if present. Please read the documentation for valid permissions at: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/permissions

I also had this issue before updating to the latest dev version, but the issue is only about a week old, before that everything worked nicely.


WebWalker3D’s picture

Priority: Normal » Major

If you want to post on Page on behalf of the user manage_pages and publish_actions publish permissions are passable for post action.

If you want to post on behalf of the page you also need publish_pages permission, without this all v2.3 api calls will return OAuth Error. There might be other privileges for managing your pages under this permission i don't know

publish_stream has been depreciated per the developer app management interface. I tried modifying the scope on line 89 of fb_autopost.admin.inc to remove the publish_stream, but even after clearing caches etc, Facebook still complains about publish_stream. There is no other reference _anywhere_ to publish_stream in the module that I can see, so....?

WebWalker3D’s picture

Also per the API changelog at https://developers.facebook.com/docs/apps/changelog

publish_pages Permission - This new permission is required to publish as a Page. Previously publish_actions was required. People who granted manage_pages and publish_actions before v2.3 have automatically been granted publish_pages. If anyone logs in via v2.3, you'll need to request publish_pages explicitly in addition to manage_pages.

e0ipso’s picture

Status: Active » Closed (duplicate)