Maybe its just a documentation error, but I've spent an hour and I can't see what I'm supposed to do here.
I've enabled the search_facetapi module and enabled some facets on admin/config/search/settings/facets
I put the newly created blocks in the content area.
I go search/node and no blocks appear.
They seem to be ignored in facetapi_block_view() when every block fails facetapi_is_active_searcher()
Searches seem to be 'active' only when they are executed.
How then should the facets appear in blocks before the drilling down has started?


matslats’s picture

So I've since discovered that the search_api module and search_api_db modules are required but not marked as dependences.
But still unable to make facets appear.

marcoka’s picture

ok so you created a view that displays search api fields. ok thats the first step.
then you display facets on that page.

looks liek that then: