exif_custom 7.x-1.23

Bug fixes

This release fixes a minor issue that showed up when using PHP 8.1. Thanks to Natallia for the fix!

Contributors (2)

Natallia, joseph.olstad


Issues: 1 issues resolved.

Changes since 7.x-1.22:

exif_custom 7.x-1.22

New features

The main change is that image processing is now automatic, rather than something that has to be specifically enabled. This should be a notable UX improvement for sites setting it up for the first time.

Full changelog

Issues: 6 issues resolved.

Changes since v7.x-1.21:

exif_custom 7.x-1.21

Bug fixes
New features

This release includes several important improvements for site builder to be aware of: the main "admin" permission has been updated, and the menu items have been moved to the "media" config section.

Contributors: (3) yo30, DamienMcKenna, smustgrave

Issues: 7 issues resolved.

exif_custom 7.x-1.20

Bug fixes

This release fixes compatibility with older releases of PHP.

Changes since 7.x-1.19:

exif_custom 7.x-1.18

Bug fixes

This includes several important bugfixes since the last release; the module should actually work now =)

Changes since 7.x-1.17:

exif_custom 7.x-1.16

Bug fixes
New features

Please note: due to the large number of changes since the last release, it is recommended to try this version out in a copy of your current environment before upgrading on a live production system. There are no guarantees that the upgrade path will be perfectly smooth so please do your own tests before upgrading this module on a live environment.
Changes since 7.x-1.15
remove duplicate copy of function
commit e5e5459b93b keep damien mckennas version.
Changes since 7.x-1.14

exif_custom 7.x-1.15

Bug fixes
New features

Do not use this release, skip to 7.x-1.16.


exif_custom 7.x-1.14

Bug fixes
New features

This release fixes:

  • Problems where images do not have the expected metadata fields
  • Errors when the image metadata is longer than allowed in the Drupal field
  • Errors searching for metadata in image types without embedded metadata

New features:

  • Integration with the Features module

exif_custom 7.x-1.8

New features

Now also allows for saving of XMP Extended Metadata

exif_custom 7.x-1.3

Bug fixes

Fix for taxonomy multi value fields (e.g. keywords).

exif_custom 7.x-1.2

Bug fixes

Doesn't try to save metadata when uploading an example file.

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