This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

End of life

This module is end-of-lifed. It depends on the Event module, and that module never had a tagged 6.x release, nor a 7.x branch, and so there is no point in maintaining this module without that one.

About this module

Event Repeat enables the creation of repeating event patterns for node types that are event-enabled. It does this by creating one or more copies of the original event node.

This module depends on the Event module.

Note: This module deals with automatic creation, editing, and deletion of nodes. It is highly recommended that you run this module on a test site, first, to make sure it does for you what you think it does!

Branches and versions

The current intention is to create a working, stable(-ish) Drupal 6 release for the sole purpose of moving to a Drupal 7 and then Drupal 8 version.

(The current plan for the Drupal 7 release is to base it on the Eventity sandbox project, which has the goal of merging back into Event.)

To that end, no version before the 6.x-1.x branch is officially supported, but they are available for your use. Also, there will be no follow up on issues for either the 4.7.x or the 5.x branches.

While the Drupal 6 branch is available as a dev download, it is not at all guaranteed to work; it is still in development (as I have the time to do so).

For more information on the version numbering and labeling of this module, see:

Event Repeat has the following features:

  • Basic repeat types of daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly events.
  • Repeating events limited by number or end date.
  • Optional advanced controls to add repeats by:
    • every other, every third, etc.
    • day of week per month
    • xth day of week per month
    • xth from last day of week per month
    • number of the day per month
    • number of the day in the year
    • week number

Pattern creation methodology

Event Repeat's pattern creation was largely modeled on the iCal RRULE specification.  At this time, it should support all RRULE parameters, with the following exceptions:

  • Recurrance periods less than DAILY
  • BYDAY declarations greater than 5 and less than -5 (ex. 20th Monday of the year is not supported). Other similar patterns can be built that should approximate this functionality.
  • BYSETPOS parameter
  • EXRULE parameter


As with all contributed modules, when considering submitting an issue:

  1. Review the existing issues list. (Don't forget to select "<all>" for the "Status" field.)
  2. Gather all the appropriate information. This may include (but is not limited to):
    • Drupal version.
    • Browser type and version.
    • Database type and version.
    • Error messages, if any.
    • Module settings.
  3. Submit the issue. If other modules are involved, you may need to submit the issue to those modules as well.


This module was originally created by hummonk.

This module has been maintained by:

Project information
