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This is a module which adds a field formatter for every entity reference field in an entity. The new field formatter shows the title of the entity with two AJAX crosses on either side. One cross links to the entity referenced by the current entity and the other links to the entities referencing the current entity. If you are using entity reference fields to refer to parents then this will build a dynamic hierarchical view.
The formatter features two settings:

  • reverse, which allows you to swap the location of parent entities with child entities.
  • autoload, which allows you to load the first generation of links (through AJAX) as soon as the page has finished loading. This is useful because otherwise the user only sees the current entity's label and not the linked entities.

Having completed the formatter it is pretty straight-forward to display a full hierarchy starting with the nodes which are not being referenced by any other node.
The module does not deal with multilingual entities very well (yet).

Project information
