In attempting to integrate Entity Translation into the Elections module I discovered an issue that took me many hours to determine exactly what was the issue. I had thought it was my declaration but in fact it was located in the entity_translation_edit_form_info function.

Essentially, you are attempting the following:

   $entity_keys = explode('][', $entity_info['translation']['entity_translation']['edit form']);
      $key_exists = FALSE;
      $entity = drupal_array_get_nested_value($form_state, $entity_keys, $key_exists);
      if ($key_exists) {
        $info = array(
          'entity type' => $form['#entity_type'],
          'entity' => (object) $entity,

The problem being that the original developers were throwing the bundle up as post rather than election_post, which is the actual entity type name. Therefore, this always failed and the language switcher and translations never worked. So perhaps we could throw a message to the user OR to watchdog just to indicate that no object is found, because if they have turned on translation it should technically be there.


ShaneOnABike created an issue.