
I'm not sure if I misconfigured my system or if it's a problem with the module, but I have a content type called feed-item, with multilingual option "enabled" checked. No content or field translation. The entity type "node" is checked for entity translation, but feed-item doesn't appears in the entity translation admin page (this seems normal).

The problem is I have a view that want to display list of feed-items. When I'm logged in admin, no problem, the hook_query_alter of entity-translation is ignored. But in other case, the hook is called and entity-translation jointure is added to the query. But feed-items doesn't have translations, no record in entity-translation table, so not any item is displayed in the list.

Now I ask if it's a problem with my configuration, or if the entity translation join doesn't be added to the query in case of non "field-translation" content type ? What I can do to anihilate the jointure ? Or maybe must I enable field-translation on my feed-item content type ? or alter the query a second time to remove non-needed jointure ? What is the best way to have my list working ?

Thanks in advance for any suggestion.


titouille created an issue.