Entity Autocomplete suggestions configuration form

This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

This module helps in altering the entity autocomplete suggestions and provide the configuration form to configure the autocomplete suggestions.

Configure below items.

  • Allow/disallow Entity type like Content type to show in autocomplete suggestions.
  • Allow/disallow published/unpublished status to show in autocomplete suggestions.
  • Show vocabulary name in autocomplete suggestions.
  • Show vocabulary status in autocomplete suggestions only if drupal >= 8.8 because published field is introduced in this version.
  • Allows/disallow to limit the autocomplete suggestions. By default this limit is set to 10 suggestions only.
  • Configure autocomplete suggestions in admin > configurations > Entity Autocomplete Suggestions Config.

After installing this module, in entity autocomplete suggestions Entity type, Published status will appear like basic page1 (node_id)[basic_page, Published].

By default entity type will appear in suggestions.
By default unpublished content will be disallowed in entity autocomplete suggestions.
By default autocomplete suggestions limit is set to 10.

To configure module read readme file.

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