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This module provides two Twig extensions used in the Emulsify Design System.


BEM Twig Extension

Twig function that inserts static classes into Pattern Lab and adds them to the Attributes object in Drupal

Simple block name (required argument):

<h1 {{ bem('title') }}>

This creates:

<h1 class="title">

Block with modifiers (optional array allowing multiple modifiers):

<h1 {{ bem('title', ['small', 'red']) }}>

This creates:

<h1 class="title title--small title--red">

Element with modifiers and blockname (optional):

<h1 {{ bem('title', ['small', 'red'], 'card') }}>

This creates:

<h1 class="card__title card__title--small card__title--red">

Element with blockname, but no modifiers (optional):

<h1 {{ bem('title', '', 'card') }}>

This creates:

<h1 class="card__title">

Element with modifiers, blockname and extra classes (optional - in case you need non-BEM classes):

<h1 {{ bem('title', ['small', 'red'], 'card', ['js-click', 'something-else']) }}>

This creates:

<h1 class="card__title card__title--small card__title--red js-click something-else">

Element with extra classes only (optional):

<h1 {{ bem('title', '', '', ['js-click']) }}>

This creates:

<h1 class="title js-click">

Add Attributes Twig Extension

Twig function that merges with template level attributes in Drupal and prevents them from trickling down into includes.

{% set additional_attributes = {
  "class": ["foo", "bar"],
  "baz": ["foobar", "goobar"],
  "foobaz": "goobaz",
} %}

<div {{ add_attributes(additional_attributes) }}></div>

Can also be used with the BEM Function:

{% set additional_attributes = {
  "class": bem("foo", ["bar", "baz"], "foobar"),
} %}

<div {{ add_attributes(additional_attributes) }}></div>
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