Editor Advanced Image - CKEditor 4
Editor Advanced Image - CKEditor 5 - Button
Editor Advanced Image - CKEditor 5 - Form

Enhances the image Balloon in CKEditor 4 & CKEditor 5.


Allows to define the following attributes:

  • title
  • class
  • id

You will also be able to:

  • define a default class for every images on an Editor (such img-fluid or img-responsive).

Standard usage scenario for CKEditor 5

  1. Install the module.
  2. Open the "Text formats and editor" admin page admin/config/content/formats.
  3. Use the "Editor Advanced Image" configuration form to enable any attributes you need (title, class and/or id).
    Only those whitelisted here will be visible in CKEditor 5 Balloon.

Standard usage scenario for CKEditor 4

  1. Install the module.
  2. Open the "Text formats and editor" admin page admin/config/content/formats.
  3. if the "Limit allowed HTML tags and correct faulty HTML" filter is disabled you don't have anything to do with this text format.
    Otherwise, add the title, class and/or id attributes to the img "allowed HTML tags" field (only those whitelisted will show up in the dialog).

Which version should I use?

Drupal Core CKEditor Editor Advanced Image
8.7.x 4.x 1.x
8.8.x 4.x 2.0.0-beta1
8.9.x 4.x 2.0.0-beta1
9.x 4.x 2.x
9.x 5.x 8.x-2.1
10.x 4.x 8.x-2.1
10.x 5.x 8.x-2.1


The Drupal 10 version of Editor Advanced Image requires Editor and CKEditor 5.

The Drupal 8 & Drupal 9 versions of Editor Advanced Image requires Editor and CKEditor 4.

Supporting organizations

This project is sponsored by Antistatique. We are a Swiss Web Agency, Visit us at www.antistatique.net or Contact us.

Supporting organizations: 

Project information
