Composite screenshot highlighting Classified Ads features

Classified Ads provides a simple system to run a classified ads service on Drupal.

With this module, users can create their free Classified Ads in the style of craigslist.

Classified Ads may belong to one or more categories (e.g. "For Sale", "Want to Buy"), defined as taxonomy terms.

Classified Ads lists are completely sortable and customizable, with or without Views.

Automatic warning notifications inform users about the status of their ads: half-life, expiring soon, expired, impending purge, purged, ...


  • Renewable expired ads during the 'grace period'
  • Simple taxonomy-based browsing
  • Ad expiration depending on category selection
  • Per-user classified ads lists – custom lists totally sortable
  • Length-limited body text with live counter of characters
  • Advanced Help, CCK, Context, Panels, Token and Views support

Recommended versions are 7.x-3.1 and the latest 7.x-3.x dev versions.

Recommended related projects

There are many modules that complement Classified Ads. Some of them:

  • Advanced Help: the help files for Classified Ads are provided in the Advanced Help format, so you will need this module to read the online help.
  • CCK: If you wish to have additional fields displayed in your ads (e.g. Price, Colour, Size, etc.) then you should install/use the CCK (Content Construction Kit) module. This module allows you to add fields to your Classified Ad content type and to change the order of the fields and display format.
  • Context: use the Classified Ads Context condition plugin to customize your pages belonging to the Classified Ads service
  • Panels: Classified Ads exposes its ad expiration as a content type which you can use to customize ad displays in Panels
  • Token: Classified Ads provides several replacement tokens for the Token module, which you can use to customize the notification emails sent to site users
  • Views: use the Classified Ads expiration formatters for specific expiration date formatter on your Classified Ads views
  • Flag: If you wish to allow users to mark an ad as favourite then you should install/use Flag module. Basically you can create unlimited arbitrary flags or bookmarks to flag content with this module.
  • Lm_paypal: Paid Classified Ads may be implemented by installing the Lm_paypal module and limiting Classified Ads node creation to paying users
  • Hierarchical select: In case you have created many categories to sort your Classified Ads, you can install/use Hierarchical Select to allow users to make a selection as deep as possible in the tree of categories. Levels can be labeled and you can choose the number of items that can be selected.
  • Better formats: If you want to add more flexibility to the classified ads input format system then you should install/use Better Formats module. This module allows you to set the default format per role or per content type. You can also hide format tips. Actually you can totally customize the format information display.
  • Modr8: If you want to have an administrative interface for managing content in moderation then you should use/install Modr8 module. This module allows you to preview content, approve or deny it, and send messages to the author informing them of your choice.

There exists at least one fork of the module, to modify some of its behaviours: Classified Tweaks, to be found on Github.

Multilingual / i18n

None of the current versions is designed for multilingual web sites. Assumption of a single site language exist throughout the code base, and will not change in 7.x-3.x.


You have built a great site using the Classified Ads module ? Open a "task" issue mentioning it should be listed, and it might be added to that list.

Latest news

  • 2025-01-05 - 7.x End Of Life, along with Drupal 7 End Of Life.
  • 2018-07-08 - 6.x End Of Life. 7.x-3.x now only in security fixes support. 8.x canceled.
  • 2015-01-15 - 7.x-3.1 and 6.x-3.1 released. This is a security release so all sites with earlier versions should upgrade to it.
  • 2014-08-24 - 7.x-3.1-beta2 and 6.x-3.1-beta2 (mostly) bugfix releases.
  • 2013-08-04 - 6.x-3.1-beta1 and 7.x-3.1-beta1 bugfix releases. Token module is now required.
  • 2012-04-02- 6.x-3.0 and 7.x-3.0 released.
  • 2011-07-25 - Classified Ads is now integrated with the Quality
    Assurance system: tests run for all patches submitted
  • 2011-07-15 - Branches 6.x-3.x and 7.x-3.x are now open, from the 2010 fork of classified.module brought back to All pre-6.x feature requests have been updated to these branches since Drupal 5 is now obsolete.


Drupal 11, 10, 9, 8

After the release of 7.x-3.1, there were expectations of a newly designed version for D8. However interest proved limited and that version never materialized. The port announced by Web Teks on #2897201: [ed_classified] Classified Ads never materialized

As identified as soon as 2018-07, the changes in expectations for Drupal 8 is clear: with Drupal 8 and later versions, there is not really a need for a module of this scope to exist any longer, core being mostly sufficient and more flexible.

Plans for a D8 version are therefore shelved and this module will be abandoned on the day of Drupal 7 end of life, planned for 2025-01-05.

Drupal 7

  • Drupal 7 is the stable current version, received full maintenance until Drupal 8.7, and is planned to remain covered for security fixes until Drupal 7 EOL.

Drupal 6

  • End of life on 2018-07-07, including security.
  • It entered security-only bugfix mode on the day of the 3.1 release, on 2015-01-15.
  • Feature parity with current core versions (7.x / 8.x) will not be maintained.
  • It will cease to be supported on the day of the Drupal 8 launch, expected sometime in late 2015. Users are encouraged to upgrade before that date.


Classified Ads is currently maintained - in the 7.3 branch only - by OSInet.

It was originally created for Drupal 4.7 and 5.x by Michael Curry / Exodus Development, then evolved for the 5.x, 6.2 and 7.2 branches by Miles Gilligham. The 6.3 branch was created and mainained by OSInet until Drupal 6 EOL in 2016.

Supporting organizations: 
Provides code and support for 7.x-3.x

Project information

  • caution Minimally maintained
    Maintainers monitor issues, but fast responses are not guaranteed.
  • caution Obsolete
    Use of this project is deprecated.
  • Module categories: E-commerce
  • chart icon734 sites report using this module
  • Created by mcurry on , updated
  • Arrow iconDrupal 10 is here!

    No plan for a D10/9/8 version. This module will be abandoned on Drupal 7 end of life, on 2025-01-05.

  • shieldStable releases for this project are covered by the security advisory policy.
    Look for the shield icon below.
