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This module extends ECK module providing extra property behaviors as well as some UI features.

Unlike fields, entity properties are single-value, but are stored in the entity table.
Entity properties are shared trough all entity bundles.
When designing your data, moving from fields to properties can significantly improve the load/save time of your entity.


Some notable behaviors

  • + reference - allows any entity type to be referenced.
  • (example: in order to add a node reference, select the Reference behavior, add the machine name of the property as id_node)
  • + vocabulary - allows referencing taxonomy terms.
  • (example: select the Vocabulary behavior, add the machine name as id_{vocabulary})
  • + date popup - saves a timestamp in the database and uses date_popup as a widget
  • + text
  • + number


The module provides a theming function for entity properties that allows to alter the property access. The property is loaded in the entity object, but it's access is controlled from the theme.


+ Provide a reference edit form.
+ Update the reference and vocabulary behaviors allowing the referenced entity type to be stored in the property information and not in the name.
+ Provide View/Edit/Delete own permissions for ECK entities.

Project information
