Hi, currently to delete ECK content you need to do one by one. Would be possible to add the possibility to bulk delete ECK content? Thanks.


FiNeX created an issue. See original summary.

Michelle’s picture

Title: Bulk delete ECK entities » Add Views Bulk Operation integration for ECK entities

What is needed is for this to integrate with VBO so we can make a view of entities and add the VBO checkbox. As far as I can tell, this hasn't been done and there's no discussion of it that I can find. Updated the title to make this request a little more generic rather than making a semi-dupe issue.

Matroskeen’s picture

Status: Active » Postponed

We will back to this issue after #2936438: Views instead of list builder.

Syntapse’s picture

Is this still an open issue. major negative effect on usability not being able to use bulk oeprations.

Syntapse’s picture

comment posted twice for some reason. deleted.