The fieldsets in DruTeX configuration form do not display correctly
In the text format configuration page.

It is because of #1015798: Fieldsets inside vertical tabs have no title and can't be collapsed, the path in comment #7 solves the problem.


jonathan1055’s picture

If you want to fix your module before that core patch is committed, you are welcome to use the solution for scheduler in #1172040: Contrib solution for non-collapsible fieldsets and missing titles. The latest patch does a general correction to make most fieldsets inside vertical tabs work correctly, plus any additional css corrections for the core D7 themes and also for the Rubik theme. If you don't already have a .js file then you will also need to add something similar to

    '#attached' => array(
      'js' => array(
        'vertical-tabs' => drupal_get_path('module', 'scheduler') . "/scheduler_vertical_tabs.js"

inside the fieldset definition.
