drush_deployment 7.x-1.1

New features

Updated drush commands:

drush:deployment-config - Return an array of configuration.
drush:release-check-target - Check the target directory is a valid git repository.
drush:git-init - Initialize git in target directory.
drush:release-tag - Checkout/deploy a tag.
drush:clone-repo - Clone a repository.
drush:list-tags - List all tags
drush:latest-tag - Get the latest tag
drush:tag-notes - Display commit notes between tags

drush_deployment 6.x-1.0

New features

All commands available in drush deployment for ver 6.x
check-repo Check the target directory is a valid git repository.
clone-repo (dm-cr) Clone a repository.
deployment-config Return an array of configuration.
git-init (dm-gi) Initialize git in target directory.
latest-tag (dm-lt) Get the latest tag.
list-branches List all branches.
list-tags (dm-lts) List all tags.
maintenance (dm-m) Manage site maintenance page.

drush_deployment 7.x-1.x-dev

New features

drush clone-repo (cgr, cr) - Clone a repository.
drush deployment-config (getconf) - Return an array of configuration.
drush git-init (giti, gi) - Initialize git in target directory.
drush latest-tag (glt) - Get the latest tag.
drush list-tags (ls-tags) - List all tags.
drush release-check-target (rct, release-ct) - Check the target directory is a valid git repository.
drush release-tag (rt, dtag) - Checkout/deploy a tag.

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