The objective of this module is to provide a drush extension allows developers to quickly clone modules or features to speed up writing code reusing custom templates or creating custom entity models using the Model Entities module.

This module was inspired by the Features clone module.


The simplest way to install drush_clone:

drush dl drush_clone

the command must be executed outside any Drupal project (i.e. in your user home).


Clone a module:

drush module-clone <src_module_name> <target_module_name>

Clone a feature:

drush feature-clone <src_feature_name> <target_feature_name>

Clone a model:

drush model-clone <target_entity_name>

Project information

  • Created by lucor on , updated
  • shieldStable releases for this project are covered by the security advisory policy.
    Look for the shield icon below.
