I have built and maintained many install profiles and distros. I want to help improve drupal.org's distro packaging process, but I don't know enough about how it works to figure out where to try and create a patch to contribute.

If a distro includes a build-exampleprofile.make file, how does drupal.org decide whether to build the distro or not?

I assume it's something like this:

drush verify-makefile build-exampleprofile.make
pass => drush make build-exampleprofile.make
fail => stop here, drupal.org won't package your distro

But when I look at the guts of verify-makefile I only see validation stuff for drupal-org.make and drupal-org-core.make files (unless I'm misreading something).

Any guidance you can offer would be great. I'm eager to dig into this. Thanks.