drupalforfirebug 7.x-1.4

Bug fixes

This release has bunch of fixes around AJAX, cTools, and WYSIWYG/CKEditor support. Basically this release makes Drupal for Firebug much smarter about not putting its code on non-pages.

drupalforfirebug 7.x-1.3

Bug fixes

This is a general bug fix release.

This fixes most issues with ctools ajax, wysiwyg, and ckeditor.

drupalforfirebug 7.x-1.2

This is a maintenance release to Drupal for Firebug that brings in the following new features:

* Firefox 4.0 Support! The Firefox Add On has been updated for the stable/released version of Firefox.

* Bug fixes related to AJAX + WSOD. Things should be a lot smoother and battle tested.

* SQL Support from Devel Module. This is still basic, but we support putting the SQL table in the Firebug window.

drupalforfirebug 7.x-1.0

New features

The first stable release of Drupal for Firebug for Drupal 7! The basic functionality - firep(), form processing, node processing, devel integration, views integration, php execution - is present. Additional functionality around hook_page_alter, the various user hooks, and other coming at a later time.

drupalforfirebug 5.x-1.5

Security update

Security release to fix problem with poor form handling for PHP execution form

drupalforfirebug 6.x-1.4

Security update

Major Update to the Module
- Improved storing of queries using PHP shutdown function for more complete report
- Better code comparison logic to highlight all changes
- Performance improvements and fixed garbage collection
- Fixing an important security problem with the php execution function

drupalforfirebug 5.x-1.4

New features
Bug fixes

# Bugs Fixed
- #486534 by mmcdougall - better garbage collection of drupal for firebug data
- Fixed argument order for output of hook_user functions
- #337072 by sadotter, #451162 by dhrgovic - removing theme calls to let og theme + admin theme changes work
- #309114 by realityloop - support for FCKEditor in Drupal 5 (in some cases)

# Improvements
- Improved consistency of DFF output by adding fieldsets
- Better formatting of interface and output for executed PHP
- Better layout for SQL query results

drupalforfirebug 6.x-1.3

New features
Bug fixes

# Bugs Fixed
- #486534 by mmcdougall - better garbage collection of drupal for firebug data
- Fixed argument order for output of hook_user functions
- #455760 by throk - support for XMLRPC posting
- #337072 by sadotter, #451162 by dhrgovic - removing theme calls to let og theme + admin theme changes work
- #309114 by realityloop - support for FCKEditor in Drupal 5 (in some cases)

drupalforfirebug 5.x-1.3

Bug fixes

This release includes a number of bug fixes to the D5 1.2 version. The major change is a fix to prevent recursive data handing #303443, along with some function namespace, iframe styling, and views integration.

drupalforfirebug 6.x-1.2

Bug fixes

This release includes a number of bug fixes to the D6 1.1 version. The major change is a fix to prevent recursive data handing #303443, along with some function namespace, iframe styling, and views integration.

drupalforfirebug 6.x-1.1

New features
Bug fixes

This is a major release of the Drupal for Firebug module that provides the following cool features:

* Ability to have user objects, form arrays, node objects, and view objects show up in collapsible fieldsets (#300215)
* Ability to use jQuery to manipulate results in Drupal for Firebug Firefox extension window

The following bugs and outstanding issues were resolved:

drupalforfirebug 5.x-1.2

New features
Bug fixes

This is a major release of the Drupal for Firebug module that provides the following cool features:

* Ability to have user objects, form arrays, node objects, and view objects show up in collapsible fieldsets (#300215)
* Ability to use jQuery to manipulate results in Drupal for Firebug Firefox extension window

The following bugs and outstanding issues were resolved:

drupalforfirebug 6.x-1.0

New features

This is the first official release for Drupal 6!

drupalforfirebug 5.x-1.1


This release addresses some code quality issues and allows support for color coding for changes made to views objects. Also improved is handling of the Execute PHP functionality.

drupalforfirebug 5.x-1.0

New features

This is the release version of Drupal for Firebug! You need an external FireFox extension to make it all work. The download for the FireFox extension is linked from the Drupal.org project page.

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