drupal_developer 6.x-2.5

- Core change from 6.15 to 6.24
- devel 1.18 to 1.26
- coder from beta to rc
- admin_menu from 1.5 to 1.8
- ipa from 2.1 to 2.2

drupal_developer 7.x-1.0

New features

Drupal 7 core
Development modules:
- devel
- coder
- schema
- xhprof

Misc modules:
- features
- ctools
- grammar_parser

drupal_developer 6.x-2.3

New features

- Updated core
- Updated contributed modules
- New modules: schema and trace (module enabled, but tracing disabled by default)

drupal_developer 6.x-2.1

New features
Bug fixes

- Content types (story and page) are now installed.
- Test user added on install.
- Authenticated users have access to basic content stuff, and also devel information and switch user block (for testing purposes, don't forget to remove this on a live site!).
- Hosts with port specified now generate the automatic email address correctly.
- Modules are up-to-date.
- Coding style fixes.

drupal_developer 6.x-2.0

New features

- Reworked profile
- modules added: features, ctools
- modules removed: install profile api, teleport
- updated module versions

drupal_developer 6.x-1.2

New features

- Makefile and hopefully complete distro
- reduced amount of admin account options.

drupal_developer 6.x-1.0

Bug fixes

First release that has all the needed modules installing cleanly, incl simpletest and coder. Default setup values are still needed.

drupal_developer 6.x-1.x-dev

New features

The Drupal 6 version install profile is still under development, first i will make some convenience fixes (no form filling on install etc), then new features.

drupal_developer 5.x-1.x-dev

Dev release is a nightly roll of the new patches. Its not changing rapidly, so its safe to use, test. Check the homepage for full featurelist.

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