I'm opening this ticket to try and stop overlay.module from getting into the final version of Drupal 7 core. I have no idea why this shouldn't be a contributed module (what's the gain in forcing this onto every Drupal site?), and given the large amount of other critical bugs still left to be tackled for D7 I think the best thing to do is move this into contrib and consider adding it to Drupal 8 core, if it's used and the demand is there. But to add a buggy module that fundamentally shifts the UI to such an extreme at such a late date seems like a recipe for disaster.

Here are the issues that David_Rothstein noted in #610234: Overlay implementation

#655368: Editing a shortcut causes it to jump to the end of the list
#655376: Node previews are messed up in the overlay
#655388: Many ways to lose data on form input in the overlay
#655416: "Demonstrate block regions" bugs with regions, navigation, overlay
#655448: Horizontal scrollbar shows when overlay is enabled and screen is resized
#655464: Add a "Help on" toggle to the overlay
#655470: "Add to shortcuts" button flashes briefly on the page before jumping out to above the overlay
#655490: The back button does not change the active shortcut link (when overlay is being used)
#655492: Clearing cache and hitting the back button in the overlay gives a 404 error
#655508: Certain node-related pages aren't defined in hook_admin_paths() when they should be
#655514: Usability issues with overlay close button
#655518: Tabs do not appear correctly in the overlay in IE6
#655526: Make sure that the overlay is accessible
#655542: Links in overlay on Firefox 3.5 are half-rendered after they fade in
#655562: Use border-radius throughout core in addition to Mozilla and Webkit-specific properties
#655600: Small Code cleanups in overlay module
#655614: Changes made by submitting a form in the overlay are not reflected when the window automatically closes
#655722: Changes made in an overlay session are not reflected when the user closes the overlay
#655736: Other modules are not made aware of core page elements that are intended to display in an overlay
#655740: Fix small JavaScript issues in the overlay module
#655746: Display bugs with the overlay on Safari 4

I also added one more: #659480: Per-user setting for the Overlay

Can anyone give a good reason for this not going into contrib?


Alex UA’s picture

Status: Active » Closed (duplicate)

Oops, I just noticed that David_Rothstein created an issue to deal with this while I was writing this post. #659488: Properly test the overlay to determine if it belongs in core or contrib

Marking as a dupe.