Right now there is 3 issues that try to solve Taxonomy Term handling.

Name Works? How/Adds Hierarchy Support? Get() Set()
#1916168: Taxonomy Term Weight & Hierarchy support submodule Works new submodule Yes Queries data calls taxonomy_term_load() & taxonomy_term_save($term)
#1716912: Add a taxonomy term weight handler Works adds handler file No Grabs from View alls taxonomy_term_load() & taxonomy_term_save($term)
#1851752: Drag handler for saving weight into any column in any base table Works adds handler file No Grabs from the Views row entity_metadata_wrapper() & $entity_wrapper->save()

I would like to go with #1851752: Drag handler for saving weight into any column in any base table. Though I do not fully understand it, I like that it using the entity wrapper. If we change FieldAPI handler to use entity_metadata_wrapper, then we might not need a separate Taxonomy Term handler.


alexweber’s picture

+1 for the new module approach, not necessarily because it's the best way to do this (I personally don't feel we need the new module to add 2 extra handlers for a core module). That said, that patch is the only one that does in fact correctly support term hierarchies.

Good work, thanks!

iStryker’s picture