HTML5 drag & drop + HTML5 file upload with XHR2. Allows the user to drag & drop files into a Image/File Field and uploads it immediately behind the scenes. In theory it should work for as many files as the field allows.

Requires jQuery >= 1.5.2 (jquery_update‎ has that)!

It's a start...

  1. Enable
  2. Works for all managed_file fields
  3. You can disable per field in the field instance config

There's a settings form under Config > Media where you can change the upload method from Series to Parallel (much faster, but slightly riskier). If you dare, try it out. I've experienced (although not for a while) the full entity form being submitted by a file upload.

If you're uploading A LOT of files, you might encounter the server's max file/POST size limit. I've no solution for that yet.

Project information
